Monday, December 29, 2008

so many breads!

6 breads. I'm done til next yr!

next yr will be...

Dr. Pepper!!!!

This cat can PARRRRRRR-tea!

In my younger days, I was able to drink the neighborhood drunk under the table. Yep. I admit it (to those of you who don't know it) I had a drinking problem up til abt 14 yrs ago when I went on the wagon (well; had too since booze started giving me the runny shits). Now days, just one of these small chocolates with booze in it, has me running to the freaken bathroom where I'm worshiping Joan at both ends.
Christmas was quiet. Adam wasn't able to catch the bus in time for him to get here to the house and spend the Eve with me. Candles lit around the living room with carols going in the back ground. Was nice. Morning came which brought me down but, pep'd myself up by going online and playing WOW. Rain'd most of the day here. Even had some white stuff! (hail). Spent an hour with my mom in the evening (thanks to Sharrie) and managed to bring Adam back here. Wonder what next Christmas will be like?
New Years Eve will find us being party animals. If all works out, we'll be having a night of D&D. If not that then diffently Might for Magic. >:)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Card to ALL my friends and family.

Love to all.

Family bible and Christmas thoughts

On Jan 20th 2009, the Lincoln Bible will be used when Obama (a black brother) when he's sworn into office. Amazing on how a bible that was given to Abe by the black people of Maryland is going to be used by another black, as he's steps into power of the US.

I was recalling a Christmas when both of my older brothers were overseas; one in Nam and the other in Germany. Wanting both at home for the holiday and being clear across the world, it just wasn't feasible. Christmas Eve mom get's a phone call from Melvin (who was stationed in Germany and wasn't going to be home) but little did we know when the clock struck morning that a knock happened on the door. There stood Melvin in his glory; uniform and duffel bag on his back. I tell ya... I think that was one Christmas that I'll never will forget.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Which is better...

Bacon or...

sex with someone who blows his load after 3 minutes.

I choose BACON.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hopefully the Doctors won't think this is a game

Christmas Eve (Going under...)

Of all days, you'd think that Doctors would pick a far better date to be doing any surgery.



To someone VERY close to me.

At least there will be NO overnight stay (thank goodness).

I'll have to get all my visiting and dropping off gifts days before xmas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

White-trash parade (Oildale style)

Ok. SO this was my first parade experience here in Oildale and I must say, that I was very impressed and had a lot of LAUGHS!!!!!!! Never have I laughed so hard in my life (seriously).
From the Oildale maintenance crew in their work gear, welding plundgers, rakes, shovels you name it!, to goats, chickens, pigs, dogs, people both young and old.

It was great fun to see the smiling faces of parade goers. And candy! If the Santa who was being pulled should read my blog; you fat bastard! Next time you take a toss candy at people, do it underhand and not over! Some folks don't care for being nailed in the freaken ass head with candy.Ok. So I laughed at that one but pissed me off to no end that I even went and started after them. Amazon (bestfriend) laughed and pointed at Mrs. Claus... huh? OMG! The dress was on backwards!!!

So folks; go to the Christmas Parade in Oildale next year.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland in thongs

Up at Waynes place

Ok. So everyone wanted a white Christmas only, not this early!!!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Busy time of the year

Christmas will be different this year. Instead of spending it at home with the ex and his two boys as I had done for the last 6 years, this year will be finding me (with my male escort who's name I won't reveal... YET) over at my best-friends and her family.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A day without WoW

I admit it.

I'm completely hooked on WoW and have been trying to log onto the dam game server all freaking ass day!

I'm like a junkie, who's out trying to get a fix only can't get that fix, simply because something is holding one back.



Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear John letter

Back in August when my world came tumbling down, a friend reached out to me and offered me a place to stay until I got on my footing. Only I got abt freaked out when he had asked me about a porn dvd, that his 'maid' found in the fire place and ask if it belonged to me.
Errr I don't think so. Here I am, heart broken, feelings kicked to the side, rejected by my long time boyfriend who treated me like dirt by, screwing around behind my back with a 'so called friend'. Me??? Hide a porn in your living room? I don't think so. Not when I'm too busy, licking my wounds. So best friend steps in and offers me a couch only, to get a call from the landlord to tell me that the keys are ready to pick up.

*fast forward*

Month follows, I get an email from my 'safe house friend' who professes daydreams of having his wicked way with me. Licking my body from head to toe (including the toe jam) since he's got years of practice. I mean; he's really trying to sell himself here. I reply back with sorry; not interested and NOT attracted to you.

No word from him then, this past weekend and email arrives from him.

REJECTION. I can't believe that YOU of all people Cheryl, are rejecting me, blah blah blah.

What shocked me the most was to see him throw my friends name out in the message who, I had mentioned to him a few times in passing, warning me that he's way kinky etc and that if I can have fun with the friend (who I have known for YEARS and is a family friend) why not him?!? Am I not fat and ugly enough? You have my number (and so on).

It totally amazes me that a "FRIEND" who I thought knew me, truly doesn't know me at all.
To say that I would have sex with my long time friend then, turn around and screw him? NO THANKS.

I'm better off without friends like that.

6 yr anniversary

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


We have a black man in office. What's next? A Jew as Governor of California?

My prediction... he'll have several attempts on his life with in 12 hours.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Amazing what one will get when they get rid of an ex...
I've been spending an amazing amount of time, trying to locate missing classmates that, we have not had any success on locating. While browsing profiles at a local websight, I came across a photo of one folks that I've been looking for. Manny!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Florida bound

My long-time student Russell who lives in Louisiana extended an invite recently and, I'm taking him up on it. Travel time is set for next Fall which, is when I'll also will be traveling to visit distant relatives and visit my ole buddy Trevor in Florida. I heard that Alligators taste like chicken. Is this true? I'll be finding out first hand.

Russell and his lady friend during his recent trip to SLO, Ca.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

interviews by the media

Yep. I've been interviewed by several different media sources and can't really say what for, atm. But in due time, I'll reveal what project I've gotten started and have several helping 'hands' assisting me with it. It's all legal; believe me. LMAO.

I'm finding myself getting more and more excited as the 18th draws nearer. I'll have to be sure to wear a freaking bra to so that it's not too obvious that I'm excited abt the event that I'll be attending or, all the men that I'll get to party with. YUM. Last time I attended my class reunion, I was offered a chance to renew friendships with several classmates but, since I was tied down and the 'other half' was at home and, the fact that I didn't want to cheat on him (even though he did so on me) I curbed my wants and left it alone. NOW I won't be doing that. Wonder how many of them are single?
What to wear???? Short black skirt, heals and low cut blouse or pants and t-shirt? Choices! Shesh!!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Not a lot has been going on here since I last blogged. I've settled in nicely in my new place and, have yet to ALL of my belongings from the old place. I've pretty much have written that off. Screw it. He can keep the dvd collection of mine and the bunny suit.

Entered stuff at the fair this year and didn't do too bad which, was pretty impressive. Normally when I'd enter stuff it was be photography. Only I didn't have any prints to enter having, lost the love of the medium and equipment (nevermind I still have my pin-hole camera and 35mm). Better yet, I still have the darkroom equipment at my mom's and, have the room here in the apartment.... hmmm
I've started working on a drawing on canvs to paint for the living room and I'd forgotten that it's a long process. Shesh!
Ok. Enough rumbling. Time to take the dinner out of the oven (HELLOOOOOO MEAT!)
love to all.

btw; I'm single!!!! YAY!!!!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Everyday is a brand-new day

I've moved on with my life and that is a major change. Broke up with Damon who, had been missing around on the side with who I thought was a 'friend'. Only wasn't. I won't call her any names here on my blog (I've done enough of that verbally in the last few weeks that I'm now over it.) I wish them both much joy and happiness with each other and, hope that they take and consider other peoples feelings when they go and screw on each other since, I know that is what they'll end up doing.

A new life for me. Enough of the emotional abuse and non communication and support that, I should have gotten and yet; didnt. So; here I am; a free woman at last. Moving on with my life and am, so far, finding that I'm enjoying coming home, able to strip my ass bare and walk around my own appartment; stark raving naked. Fart and burp when I want to; without the nagging from the other half. Cook what I want (HELLOoooooooooo MEAT!) and have plenty of milk and soda on hand that now; I basically am at lost on what to do with it.
So; yes, single life is agreeing with me.
I'll admit that I find myself missing the boys terrible and, miss having someone next to me at nite to say; goodnite too. But; still enjoy being on my own and not have to worry abt having enough money to pay bills, groceries, and clothes for kids.
The new appartment is suiting me for the moment. However, a friend of mine has recently told me of a condo that has recently been put onto market that, I'm considering on looking into. Time will tell.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

To much going on to worry

abt anything. I swear to fucking Christ. It never ends. From the trip to the dentist (which has been going well). I go back this Friday to finish up with filling 2 cavities that I managed to get in the last 22 yrs since my last regular visit. This dentist is pretty good; he talks through the procedure and makes sure that I'm OK while he's drilling away. I still think it's like running your fingers across a chalk board for a long period of time (what it fills like when he's drilling).

Gas prices are sky rocketing. OMFG!!!! No traveling for us. For sure. No way in HELL am I going to pay $5.00 plus or more; to travel in a car, should I rent one. Bull shit! Take the dam bus!!!! It's cheaper!!!

That's another thing (speaking of transportation). City hall officials has given the yahoo's until June 26th to submit a plain for the problem that we have (in the downtown area) with the train horns. So far, so good. Train horns will be left silent for a few more weeks then; it's blows again if those plains are submitted. One of the things that we could cut is; (well; make that 2) is the purple room ($800,000.) at the Rabobank Arena and, that new park that their wanting to build. IMO; we don't need another park! Not when The county is having a shortage of water and, should they build another park, they'll lay down grass and will need water for it to grow. Forget it!!! Keep the dirt field like it is. Send the kids to the park that is 1/2 mile down the road from your house. Better yet; let them take the Get bus to the mall and hang out there!

Ok. Enough venting. Time to go back to watching the gold fish swim around in the tank... nice little gold fish...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dentists are nothing but a pain in the jaw

The unenviable has happened. Something that I have swore that I would never take and do again, even if it cost me a million bucks.
What is that?

A visit to the dentist.

I rather pierce my nipple rather than having to go to another dentist ever again. Why? All due to the last visit that I had with a dentist which, turned out to a HORRIBLE experience which left mental scars deep with-in my soul. And all thanks to a taco salad that I made at home… 8 yrs ago, I had made this kicking ass lunch for my parents and I by making homemade shells for the taco salad makings to go into. Grease, strong aroma of fresh, deep fried shell with grilled beef and onions, floating in the air. I can smell it now; that day when it happened. It was just after my second bite that I ended up breaking my tooth in half. Good grief. So off I go to the dentist, with my mom in tow who, was going to hold my hand while I went through the ordeal (I hate doctors with a passion) and instead, the dentist wouldn't allow her back in the room with me while he worked on me. So besides having a woman in the backroom with a camera in her hands (documenting the loss of a tooth) and who is a HUGE pussy and begged for laughing gas to be knocked out with, he inject me with drugs and started working before the gums where numb. I truly believe that this quack was fresh out of med school or something. Gads. SO here’s the choice; Root canel or pull the tooth. I choose the root canel, that way the tooth next to the one that was broken , would'nt be left exposed and later being extracted as well.

And so the work began and 30 minutes into the procedure, I hear the doctor swear and stopped drilling. (By then he was in the root itself). The drill bit had broken off in the root and he couldn’t remove the bit itself. Off he runs to the office supervisor who comes into the room with the doctor in tow, stating to me that there seems to be a problem; the drill bit broker off and he will try to remove it and if he can’t remove it, I’d have to go to a surgeon and have the tooth extracted. Hell; he got this far, why can’t he get it out is beyond me. So by then 15 minutes past and after some tugging, the bit came out; with the very tip of the bit which; was left in the root. So by now; the shot was wearing off and the jaw was starting to throb, I’m laying back in the chair, with the camera pointed by now, at the doctor which I’m glaring at him for fucking up, and costing me money. Oh; they did managed cut the price of the bill a little (not by much). 2 hours later, the job is done, he packs my tooth up with cotton and tells me that he wants to leave it exposed so he can see if an infection sets in or not and if it does; I go to another dentist. WTF? So off I go, with cotton mouth and NO pain meds. Week passes, I trip back to the quack who puts a temp crown on me and says; I’ll see you next week; blah, blah, blah. Week 3 comes and the crown get’s in place and tooth is done.

Word of warning; DO NOT see this dentist… Dr. Kym. Bastard. By the way; I had NO insurance and had to pay cash (ouch!)

So just now; while I was in the shower, I noticed something weird in my mouth… a broken tooth. Ah shit, fuck, hell.

So now it’s going to be a trip to the dentist which I LOATH having to do and try and locate someone, who will accept my insurance. Grrrrrr. Even now, as I set here typing this out, my upper jaw is starting to pain with having part of the tooth exposed. Lordy mercy; help me lord.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Runescape Reunion???

OMG. I just realized that someone is actually planning a reunion of sorts for Runescapes members. How cool is that???
What's Runescape? It's this totally, kicking ass, game online that, players from around the world, meet, chat and do stuff on. I suppose you can call it a RPG (roll playing game) of sorts. Remember Dungeons & Dragons (D&D)? It's got stuff on there that you do; quests, kill stuff, make stuff. List goes on.
It's were I have met some great people locally and, not so locally. As far as England! Canada! Down under!!! (Hilly & Daren).
Should we go to this event (which is taking place in Las Vegas), I'm hoping that we'll be able to take the boys of ours with us, seeing that they play as well. It'll be tons of fun to meet other players from around the world for this once in a life time event.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

To Bean or be a Bean... that is a question

Ok. Call us farmers now.


We're trying our hand at planting veggie seeds and seeing if they'll grow or not. Radishes suck majorly. Have em in a planter with Miracle Grow. You'd think that, with having Miracle Grow in the soil that, we'd have some kick'n ass radishes!


All we got are a bunch of little nats, that have taken up home in the soil and the plants them self's? It's already been 3 months since we planted them so, surely there would be radishes in the soil by now and ready for picking. Nope. Nada. Zilch. The Basil looks good (not 100 %) healthy looking mind you, but their doing OK.

Now the lone Lima bean that I planted is kicking ass ALL THE WAY! Go figure. I started it by leaving it in the sink over night in a lid with water in it and saw that it had opened up and started to sprout. COOL! Beans are on the way. Next! Planted it in a small seed starter pot (1 inch high) and placed it with our other herbs that we have started in a small tub with a lid. 3 days later... I opened the lid and, I swear that I heard that plant go "BONG!" and up it thrusted itself up out of the tub, reaching for the sunlight. It was most amazing. Damon didn't believe me til he looked at it himself and was shocked. So it now sits in a 2 liter bottle.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

the lone bike

watch the latest blog!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Silence at last!!!

All I can say is; It's about freaken time!!!!

Trains ordered to silence horns
BY JAMES GELUSO, Californian staff writer e-mail: Wednesday, Feb 20 2008 11:16 PM
Last Updated: Thursday, Feb 21 2008 7:41 AM
Locals are rejoicing at news peace and quiet will soon return to downtown and east Bakersfield — but it may not last forever.

The Federal Railroad Administration recently ordered BNSF Railway to stop blowing train horns in the area by March 3.
It’s a victory for residents who’ve been fighting train noise for 21⁄2 years and heard from city officials last summer that the horns were here to stay.
“We tackled the problem and we won,” said Dean Gardner, who pestered the city about the issue.
Gardner had dug up a page of a BNSF manual instructing engineers not to sound the horns in downtown Bakersfield. It was key evidence of a quiet zone in effect before 2005.
The feds’ edict was welcome news to Saint Dominguez, vice-president at Oasis Air Conditioning on East Truxtun Avenue.
A driver can’t talk to a forklift operator when the horns blow, especially if the engineer chooses to do one sustained blast instead of shorter blasts for each crossing.
“Basically, when the train comes by, we have to stop everything,” he said.
But City Attorney Ginny Gennaro warned the battle isn’t over. And it’s not a return to the pre-2005 good old days, she said.
The federal edict created a temporary quiet zone from the crossing at L Street to the crossing at Sumner and Miller streets. It will last only if the city makes safety improvements to the intersections. Horns are already quiet to the west of the area because streets go over or under the tracks, not across them.
The state Public Utilities Commission is studying the crossings and will recommend what the city must do. The city will then hire a consultant to determine the costs, said Raul Rojas, city public works director.
It could include closing some streets and installing new circuitry that activates crossing guards earlier if the trains are moving fast, said Gardner.
If the city decides the cost is too high, the trains will have to start blowing their horns again, Rojas said. He said he has no idea what that cost is going to be.
And that’s why Gennaro cautions against people getting too excited.
“While it is good news, it is by no means the end of the story,” she said.
She’s also worried that the city is exposing itself to liability if there is an accident in the quiet zone.
In November, the city asked the Federal Railroad Administration to restore its quiet zone while it finished the study. The railroad objected, claiming that the quiet zone had lapsed 21⁄2 years ago, so it was too late.
But the federal government said the regulations allow cities to file for quiet zones at any time.
Gardner was pleased his and others’ work paid off, although he wished it happened sooner.
“Frankly, if these train horns were in Seven Oaks, these train horns would have been solved years ago,” he said.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Planning on moving?

I am. To another state!!!! And in the near future too. Cutting education budgets when he said NO cuts? WTF???


For Immediate Release: Contact: Aaron McLear

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 Rachel Cameron


Governor Schwarzenegger Tackles California’s Challenges, Proposes Budget Reforms in State of the State Address

Delivering his annual State of the State address before a joint session of the California State Legislature today, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger asked legislators to work with him to tackle some of California’s most pressing challenges including reforming the state budget system that has failed the people of the Golden State too many times.

“This coming year will test us in very hard ways. In any number of areas, we’ve tackled politically risky things that no one in the past wanted to touch. To me, this is progress. And now, we must make progress on another problem that’s been put off for many years,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “We cannot continue to put people through the binge and purge of our budget process. It is not fair. It is not reasonable. It is not in the best interests of anyone. So I am again proposing a constitutional amendment so that our spending has some relationship to our revenues.”

During the speech, the Governor discussed his bold proposals to reform the state budget system that will ensure greater financial stability in the future and addressed why health care reform is critical to fixing our failing budget. He also discussed why the current budget challenge does not change California’s critical need for infrastructure investment and how the most needed education reforms are still possible.

“Government can work, it can be efficient and it can lead. California has proven this in so many areas including climate change, low carbon fuels, energy efficiency and on clean, green technology,” the Governor added. “But, our work has only just begun. I cannot fix the budget, build the roads and bridges or improve education alone. We have to work together if we are going to fix these problems and give the people of California what they deserve.”

Specifically, the Governor’s proposals include:

Budget Reform

California’s economy continues to grow, in spite of the current housing downturn, and the state continues to enjoy overall job growth. Yet while Governor Schwarzenegger prudently increased our rainy day reserve to historic highs in 2006 and 2007, California still faces a projected $14 billion budget gap in the 2008-09 fiscal year that requires across-the-board-cuts. In December, the Governor announced that he will declare a fiscal emergency to address the current year budget shortfall. Today, Governor Schwarzenegger proposes the Budget Stabilization Act, a Constitutional amendment to fundamentally reform the state budget process. This reform requires a vote of the people.

The Budget Stabilization Act:

  • Establishes a Revenue Stabilization Fund (RSF), which is simply a savings account for excess revenues taken in by California during a prosperous year. This will allow the state to transfer the difference from the RSF into the General Fund in years when tax revenues are below average and California cannot meet its spending obligations.
  • Allows California to reduce spending when necessary. Right now, California doesn’t have this flexibility. Once the Governor signs the budget, spending is locked in unless he declares a fiscal state of emergency and calls a special session. Under this act, state agencies must reduce their spending if a year-end deficit is projected by the Department of Finance.
  • Requires the legislature to enact a statute specifying how the state will reduce spending to meet Budget Stabilization Act requirements as soon as a deficit is projected. If the legislature does not specify the reductions—or if their reductions are insufficient—the amendment allows the Governor to waive state law and regulations in order to achieve the savings needed to bring California's budget into balance.

If the Budget Stabilization Act had been in effect since 1998, the state would not have developed a structural budget deficit. In years where a deficit emerged, the Budget Stabilization Act would have triggered moderate cuts automatically to avoid draconian cuts later.

Strategic Growth Plan

California’s economic growth and environmental leadership are still closely tied to improving how infrastructure is built, operated and maintained. The Department of Finance estimates that California needs $500 billion worth of infrastructure over the next two decades. Governor Schwarzenegger is committed to further boosting economic growth, preserving our environment, enhancing services for citizens and getting taxpayers the most for their money by strengthening how California plans, finances and delivers infrastructure projects.

Governor Schwarzenegger proposes a set of new policies to leverage partnerships with the private sector, increase synergy between public agencies and educate thousands of new engineers to build the California of tomorrow. To achieve this, the Governor proposes:

  • Establishing a Strategic Growth Council to coordinate SGP projects and spending. The five-member Council will help state agencies allocate SGP money in ways that best promote efficiency, sustainability and support the Governor’s economic and environmental goals.
  • Expanding the types of projects, services and government entities that can enter into Performance Based Infrastructure (PBI) arrangements.
  • Establishing “PBI California,” a center for excellence to help determine which state projects can benefit from PBI – also known as public-private partnerships – to represent the state in negotiations with PBI participants, ensure transparency and monitor performance. This will empower California to build, operate and maintain infrastructure better, faster and for less.
  • Bringing approximately 20,000 new engineers into California's workforce over the next decade by expanding existing educational programs and building new partnerships between our schools, the military and the private sector.


While school funding in California has reached historic new highs under his administration, Governor Schwarzenegger has always maintained that our education system needs more than money to succeed. Our system must ensure that students have the skills and knowledge needed for success; that parents, teachers and policymakers have access to accurate educational data; and that classrooms have highly qualified teachers to educate the next generation of Californians.

To achieve these goals, the Governor has announced:

  • California will be the first state to use the powers given under the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act to turn challenged districts around. The Governor’s proposal includes allocating a higher percentage of NCLB funds in districts that need the greatest assistance and intervention.
  • Reforms that value local control and assist school districts based on their needs. The problems driving underachievement in each school district are different, so a one-size-fits-all approach will not work. In determining the state’s response, the administration has used a “differentiated assistance” model to analyze each district individually and assign it the most appropriate intervention to improve student achievement and progress. (in other words; let's go ahead and give em a certificate even though they can't read nor write. We'll have more poor uneducated people out there, selling drugs and doing other criminal acts)
  • High-performing schools and districts have the opportunity to apply to the State Board of Education for waivers from provisions of the Education Code. Waivers granted by the State Board of Education will give these schools and districts flexibility to budget and operate in ways that continue to improve student achievement.
  • Immediate actions to improve the quality and accessibility of information available to parents, educators and policymakers and address critical shortages of teachers in California’s classrooms.

The Governor’s administration is working with teachers, administrators, parents, elected officials and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to create a sustainable architecture for accountability that helps school districts meet federal standards and improve student achievement.

Health Care Reform

The Health Care Security and Cost Reduction Act, introduced by the Governor and approved by the California Assembly, is a landmark reform that strengthens our health care system when we need it most. It will take pressure off of the state budget to finance the Medi-Cal rate hikes that drive some of our most significant budgetary spending growth. The Act is fully funded, budget neutral and includes mechanisms to ensure strong oversight, evaluation and flexibility to prevent auto-pilot spending.

The Health Care Security and Cost Reduction Act:

  • Increase the role of the federal government in paying for medical costs of our population. It secures $4 billion in new federal funds that California is eligible for under current law and right now is leaving on the table.
  • Reduces pressure on the state General Fund and addresses the structural budget problems that drive deficits. The Act finances higher reimbursements with new hospital revenues and federal funds and funds programs to improve the health of current Medi-Cal beneficiaries. It also includes built-in mechanisms to ensure that health care reforms are financially self-sustaining.
  • Contains costs and lowers health care spending by addressing chronic illnesses and providing broad access to preventive care.
  • Will create a positive impact on the economy by increasing productivity, wages and tax revenues.

BBQ at the neighbors

We sat and watched our neighbors home, burn to the ground on Saturday night. I feel bad for the family loosing all their belongings (pc's, games, mementos of trips, photos, etc). I am (however) gald that the fire department went in and saved the dog (pit bull) who is the so damn friendly and loves to lick. 100k totals the damages. Looks like the home won't be available for rent for a while (they were in the process of moving out).