Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eliminate job positions

Yep. That's what I was afraid of. Chancellor Serrano sits on her ass all smug with the possible elimination of my department, while she rejoices on the fact that she is getting fat on her 20,000 a yr raise (her salary is a quarter Million a yr, not to mention what her husband; a judge, makes). What pisses us off (entire college staff) is that ALL of the Administrators gave themselves a raise, knowing full well that hard times were coming in just WEEKS with hiring freezes and CUTS looming over our heads. Here's a copy of the email that we got today.

From: BC All On Behalf Of Sandra Serrano
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:30 PM
Subject: 2009-10 Budget Status

For the last year we have all listened with deep concern to the workings of Sacramento ’s budget process. The latest news from the state capitol remains dreadful, and it will result in a 9% reduction to the fiscal year 2009-10 KCCD budget. The most severe allocation cut was to categorical programs, which were cut overall by 40.6 %. We will offset some of these reductions with KCCD reserve contributions; but, regrettably, the magnitude of the mandated reductions to categorical programs will require that we eliminate job positions throughout our district.

We want employees to know where we are with the tentative budget and the disproportionate cut to categorical programs. As we prepare the final budget, we are now looking at layoffs to categorical programs that will impact general fund positions based on seniority.

You should also know that we are moving through our planning process, which includes hiring new faculty to maintain our educational programs and comply with the 50% Law. As we face the challenges and opportunities of fiscal year 2009-2010, o ur commitment to you is that we will do all we can to limit the impact of the state budget reductions on our students, community, and employees.

What is the state’s budget cut impact on KCCD’s budget?
According to state projections, our district can expect a $10.5 million cut in the 2009-10 state revenues. This is the equivalent to closing the doors of our entire district for one month. We had expected those cuts to be spread across all budget lines, and we began by asking you to help us reduce our budget through deferrals and reductions of expenditures. Now, because the state is drastically reducing categorical program funding—budgets of specially-funded programs like Extended Opportunity Program Services (EOPS), Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS), Basic Skills, and Matriculation will be reorganized and scaled down.

Why not completely eliminate a few categorical programs instead of cutting them all?
Eliminating some categorical programs is not an option. Some services for the disabled, such as providing sign language interpreters for deaf and hard-of-hearing students, are required by state and federal law. To make large reductions in a small budget area, therefore, will require restructuring categorical programs to offer services required by law, consolidating work responsibilities, and eliminating job positions. The impact will be felt across the district because bumping rights will be in force for employees whose positions are reduced or eliminated.

The impact will also be felt in the way KCCD complies with the 50% Law—the state law that requires us to spend a minimum of 50% of our budget to directly support classroom instruction. Because of reduced instructional costs combined with the effect of reserve contributions to transition categorical programs to lower state budget levels, KCCD’s 2009-10 tentative budget is out of compliance with the 50% Law. The 50% Law compliance test on the tentative budget yielded 46.7%; however, Bakersfield College is correcting coding errors that are expected to improve compliance and each college was authorized to hire one full-time temporary faculty for the 2009-10 academic year.

Why not use the district reserves to fill in budget gaps?
Our reserves cannot sustain protecting such large ongoing cuts from Sacramento over several years. Up to this point, through a combination of careful planning and operational efficiencies, we have avoided the drastic measures taken by some community colleges. We anticipate continued funding declines for three years--through the 2011-12 fiscal year. The fiscal year 2010-11 is expected to be worse than this budget year, and 2011-12 is expected to be the worst budget year of the three. There will come a point when we cannot cut personnel and continue to educate our community with general education, basic skills and career technical training—our core mission. At that time, we will need our reserves to preserve our core mission and the employees essential to providing education.

When will district budget cuts take effect?
There is potential for some one-time monies from the federal stimulus plan being infused in California Community Colleges, and this may help us briefly put off--but not avoid--position eliminations. The earliest position eliminations may take place as soon as mid-November, but we hope to delay implementation of job cuts until as late as January 2010.

Sacramento budget analysts tell us that community colleges will see themselves returned to the low funding levels of the 2006-07 budget year. As a result, KCCD will educate as many as 3,700 fewer students, offer fewer services, and employ fewer people. Moreover, we expect a mid-year round of funding cuts from Sacramento that will require us to further reduce our budget in spring 2010 and again in the 2010-11 school year.

The coming months.
We are preparing our final budget to present to the KCCD trustees in September. Our budget planning includes identifying affected positions to be reduced and presented to KCCD trustees at the September board meeting. Human Resources will be working on the impact of an expected reduction to our classified workforce, including classified management. Meanwhile, as colleges prepare for mid-year and ongoing state budget cuts, college presidents will provide preliminary lists of educational administrators and faculty who may receive March 15 notices of possible change in or elimination of assignment. The college presidents will seek your assistance in developing careful plans with a long-term focus.

This budget news, especially the uncertainty of the impact on our workforce, is very difficult for all of us. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement of one another as we work through this time together.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Where's Cheryl?

Thanks to my long-time buddy Trevor, for snapping the image and catching me in it.

Friday, July 03, 2009


WWF was recently here in town. My bestfriend won tickets and gave em to her hubby. She doesn't care for wrestling so they invited me. Heck yea!!! It'll be televised this week (ECW, Superstars and SmackDown). I'll be the one that's jumping up and down.

Playing in the

WATER! What better way to stay cool when it's 105+ outside?
I swear the heat gets worse every summer. Or is it that I'm getting older?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Someone's out there

It's been months since I've woken from a dead sleep (from a dream) and have been pissed beyond words.

Why pissed and at whom?

At myself for being so gullible and not seeing what was going on while avoiding the issue with a certain someone. Let's face it; even considering getting involved with anyone after, being so open with someone (opening my heart, living with that person) has me thinking; do I want to tie myself down to another person in the future and be taken advantage of again?


Sexual contact.

I miss it. I miss the holding onto one another, whispers, sighs, staring into one another eyes while being sexually active. It's been a year this month (hello I'm a virgin once again!) when I last was sexually active. Sure I've been approached by many men, wanting a one nighter but couldn't see myself taking that chance. Go home to your wife and girlfriend please, don't screw around behind their back with another woman. In this day and age, who would want to get involved with someone knowing that there's been multiple partners and has god knows what?!?

Am I being too careful?

I envy all my friends who are married to that one person for life.

Think the whole waking up pissed from a dream was, caused by someone who I had spoken with over the phone, who hadn't known that I dumped the ex after finding out that he had been screwing around behind my back. New guy wants to start dating me; the whole courting scene. Phoning, coming over, taking me to lunch, etc. Time will tell.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Monkey see... monkey do

I didn't believe it and actually witnessed it. Wayne will go out and do some work on his home which he just purchased (plant trees, grass, paint) you name it. Little over 3 weeks ago, Wayne had re-seeded his front yard and next thing we know the neighbor is out there planting grass too. Hole dug; we plant cherry trees. Neighbor? Plants Elms that afternoon.
Mow's grass; neighbor goes out with his weed eater and starts whacking the grass down. We feel bad for him so we offer the use of the lawnmower.


Ok so don't borrow it ya freaken jerk.

What does he do? Goes off and purchases a lawnmower and is reading the operation manual while cutting the grass.

We're talking abt installing a spa onto his back porch; bet the neighbor goes out and buys one too.
While waiting for my ride from work, I happened to glance down and saw this. Pretty disturbing to find this just 15 feet from the fence of the daycare center at BC where, over 25 kids are housed in the daycare.... What was it??? a dead snake. Maybe it got hold of one of the cookies that someone in for us to eat? Who knows? I know that someone would have had, lost a tooth had they attempt to bite into the cookie. DK (coworker) had placed all her weight on the cookie before it crumbled before our eyes.

Played around with the camera on my phone. Was totally having fun with it. And it does panoramic s!!!!

Hanging garden on my back porch (Tomatoes)

Congrads to all the Grads

Congratz to North High School Class of 2009 and huge congrats to Heather.

Graduation ceremony wouldn't be the same had it not been for the appearence of the Oildale Superman! (Great... we have an Oildale Elvis and now Superman)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hwy 65

What's on Hwy 65? COWS. Don't bother closing your eyes because, when you next open them a cow will be in front of you. SO many of em in Tulare County.

On the road to the reservation

Wild horses just flew by!

ching ching ching!

Ok; so there sit Sharrie and I while Ray goes to the restroom. Don't put two dirty minded women together... ever. What does this dish look like; Sharrie questions me. I grinned and winked at her. We both laugh while Prince's "Let's go crazy" plays in the back ground. We're then rolling when the ending lyrics start: "please come".


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Dee

Heather phones and invites me for a ride to Costco and Sushi afterward.


What I didn't know is that Sharee is laughing uncontrollably when I step outside my apartment door and she see's what I'm wearing. Mind you; SOME people know what the other is thinking and what their wearing. Share is one of those ppl... For gods sakes!!! I see that she's laughing and crying when I notice what she's wearing... a freaken PINK t-shirt like myself. Christ. Never mind abt going back in and changing shirts; let ppl think that we're twins or something!

Hello Sushi!!!!

We'll order one of EVERTYING.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So I've cut back on my budget this month; less trips to get junk food, soda's, morning french toast @ zorbas, lunches off campus. Eating MORE veggies (fiber). Gone is the Netflics, Runescape. What else is next? NO WAY am I going to stop playing WOW. Day 3 without soda is going well. No headaches yet (thank god).
Had my last soda on Friday which was a Strawberry Lime Aid from Sonics. Wouldn't you know it? I get a freaken straw that was sealed... think someone is trying to tell me something?

To bee or not to bee

don't let it sting you like it did me.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Dont mess with my toot-toot!

Crawfish Festival 2009
Ok; it takes an acquired taste to enjoy crawfish. And spicy ass food. Holy shit. The stuff will make your nose hairs curl and asshole blow out fire. Loved it! Thanks Shar for taking me along with ya's.

Friday, May 08, 2009

They crawl in...

For the past month, I've been having to kill at least 1 roach a day. We're not talking abt the little quarter inch bug that, runs off when a light is turned on. We're talking abt the inch long muthers and, when you walk up to it they stand up on their hindlegs and try their best to kickbox you in the ankle while hissing.

The other evening (Monday) I had been dead asleep when, I was awaken by something crawling on my hand. Brushed it off and it came back minutes later. And a third time. Final straw I grabbed hold of it and chucked it in the direction of my window blinds. "Thump!"

Great. Kiss my sleep good bye.

Alarm goes off at 5am and into the shower I go; Scrub the crawling feeling away... walking from the hallway and into the bedroom, I don't know what made me look down. Down at a crawling varmit. Grrrr


That does it.

Before leaving for the day, I popped the lids off of the foggers that my landlord left me. Think it'll do the trick?

Waiting for the bus, I see a cousin of the roaches from my apartment making his break to tell his family that I was in the process of murdering his family.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Final Words

While on our recent kidnapping date this past weekend, Famous Dave's (who's known for serving your food on a garbage lid) had posted on the street a banner, proclaiming "Tuesday: All you can eat Buffet". HOT DAM!!! All you can eat BBQ for one price?! I'm down for that.
Ok so, I phoned earlier that day (Tuesday) and was told that it's from 6-10 and we make plans on going. When I do buffet; I starve myself, JUST so I get my moneys worth mind you.

So here comes the 5 of us: Share, Ray, Heather, John and myself up to the door where, we're greeted by some blond bimbo. "WELCOME To famous Dave's!" My mouth is watering with the thought of my teeth, tearing into that prime rib (I was a T-Rex in my past life). Bring on the meat sister!!!! I swear that I must have been the first one up on door step.

The let down

So we ask the blond to which door we're suppose to go through for the buffet; all we got was a blank look, rushed away to her floor manager who, broke the news to us. "We're loosing money on it so from now until the end of summer we won't be having buffet night".

No buffet night? How the hell do you LOOSE money on a buffet night, when dam-near EVERYTHING on the menu is cheaper than what one would pay for buffet???

Final words as we drove off?


Sunday, May 03, 2009

Prom Night

It was kinda weird to attend a prom after, it's been 20 some-odd yrs since my very own high-school prom. Not that I went to any of them back in the 80's. Still it was enjoyable and yet, scary at the same time to, experience what it was like to attend high school function.
Well; not "REALLY" attend but, to double date (ok; KIDNAP) our date.

Both my best-friend and I felt really bad when we learn that John wouldn't be allowed to attend his high-school dance, due to the rules for a student who had completed his Senior yr 3 months early. That's good ole Anal Kern County High School District for ya!
8:30 am on Saturday morning, I had phoned John to tell him that I was in desperate need of help with moving some stuff out of my place and into my new house in the evening. HA! Threw the hook and he bit. Six was when I would go by and pick him up I told him. Also told him to be sure to wear a button down shirt (clipped a rose from a bush at my front door) since I was going to treat him to dinner for being a great guy and, who was willing to hop on that white charger horse of his and run to help. Plans in motion for the evening, I kept myself busy for the remainder of the day.

So Heather (that's my best-friend Sharries daughter) spent MOST of the entire day at the salon having a total make over. From head to toe and talk abt HOT! It's amazing what a beauty she's turned into over the years and, I do hope that she realise that she's a looker. (Dad's hot too in the pix) wrooooooo wroooooo!!!
So Heather is off to the prom and the kidnapping is set to motion. Sharrie and Ray picks me up but, not before I snagged a rose from a bush for John's lapel.

He had no fucking clue!!! LMAO

So we get to our first stop; Famous Daves. Oh yes! The joy of eating off of a garbage can lid... how Oildalian of us!
Sampling the different BBQ sauce's (I couldn't go any higher than the Devils Pit)

(some kind of fruity drink that had me running to the bathroom); but then, it doesn't help to drink 4 drinks within 30 minutes. lol GOOD waiter.


Next stop; movie. Here I thought that everyone would be stuffed from dinner so popcorn and soda will be out. NOT. Hell. Ggave me a chance to eat some and sit there, in the darken theater with my finger in my mouth trying to pick the crap out of my teeth.

And of course, the evening closed at midnite with a dance in the parking lot of the "Southern Bapist Chruch" lol. Thanks for thinking of that one Shar. LMAO!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Those drivers in 08 area

watch out!

Hot Dog anyone?

Alright. So I'm slowly beginning to learn the importance of eating breakfeast everyday.
Lunch time rolls around (late lunch @ 4pm; due to a deadline that I was working on for boss), 2 bites off of my wonderful hot dog and my cell rings. THUMP! My dog gets dropped onto the ground where it's covered by ants in seconds.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

FIshing Derby 2009

Here fishy fishy...

Easter Baskets (out with the old; in with the new)

Out with the old and in with the new you ask?
I've spent the last 7 years BOUGHT and SEWED 2 Bunny suits (Brown and the other Pink) for my ex and I, to dress up and deliver baskets to his kids.
Bleh. Anyway; I kept the baskets that was used on a yearly basis AND kept the other items that was meant to be given to the boys for the next holiday which, never came around. Oh well. So; out went the items to a YARD SELL! Sold items to those that would greatly appreciate em.


Why is it every time I see this photo of Justeasy; the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" comes to mind???
Join us! We Karaoke every Thursday evening at Magoo's on Roberts lane. Or is it Norris Road?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back to Vegas

So a week following mine and Adam's trip to Vegas (which we visited with my buddy Trevor) I found myself going BACK again. Only this time with my best friend Sherrie. Ray (her boyfriend) flew back to the Midwest (family emergency). Stayed over the nite at the Wild Wild West for a reasonable price ($17.00). Comfy beds (mine had a Queen), bathroom large, wheelchair accessible shower, etc. No coffee pot in the room though... UGH!!!!
Even got proposition by a tyranny and was offered $75 bucks a hand; IF I let him do my nails. He was GONNA PAY ME!! Whoa! Nah. Pass on that one. lol

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

my secret is out....

I'm a Cylon!!!!
(Thanks DK for pointing out what I really am). LMAO!!!