Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Tooo many sodas

Finally the year is drawing to a close and a new one is on the horizon. Can't wait to see what surprises it will bring me.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

I've been so caught up with other stuff that, I hadn't realized that I've not blogged here since Feb. Instead I've been posting up on FB which, I really need to stop doing so much and put my main blogs here. Bad Oildalian. Bad!

What's been going on?

Well; Winnie moved her stuff out and I'm pretty sure that Adam is heading in that direction as well. He knows that I want him to complete his education (he dropped out). You can stay here as long as your in school and doing well. But if you drop then; it's good bye. Your 18. Had a job (which he quit). Kid is in depression in the worst of ways. His father has turned into a maryjane user; stating that it's only for medical purposes. Yea right. It doesn't give you a reason to go off and try to strike him. I regret now not reporting him to Child Welfare for kicking him out at the age of 16.

Health... my back is about the same; nothing has changed. I'm still in large amounts of pain but learn to grin and bare it and, at the same time say that my back is fine when others ask. I'm lying about it. It sooo hurts. But what can I do? Nothing. Deal with it. Bare and grin it.
Tried massage and found that was wonderful.... ahhhh. Costco had one of those contraptions for sale that, you set on your chair and it massages you. Ok so I broke down and got one for myself. Works pretty good. Saves money from going in and having someone beat on your back for 20 minutes. :) Ok. It's confirmed. I have Glaucoma and there's a few spots at the back of my retinas that indicate that I might have diabetes. I have a follow up appointment to start some more tests and begin treatments to see if we can prolong the loss-age of the eyesight. Suppose to schedule appointment with MD (will have to look for one) and get some blood work done. Diffidently takes over my mom who is a diabetic and has glaucoma, who also, lost her vision as well.


Our office is moving. Thanks to the state budget and the loss of our own budget in the department (thanks to KCCD), we'll be relocating to the main counseling office. That will be taking place here in the next few weeks. Packing and cleaning has already begun. Look forward to the new location where new adventures will unfold.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

So many things left unsaid

I hadn't realized that it's been months, since my last blog. So much has been going on. From getting struck by a car and not knowing if one will be able to walk again to, state budget crisis; in this wonderful state that we live in.

Niece Winnie was struck by a car this last year (early June) on Edison Hwy and California Ave. She was lucky to be alive. Both her AND her youngest who, was in the stroller. Thankfully she managed to push the stroller out of harms way, taking full hit from the car (which sped off). The accident left her with a broken leg (which KMC never sat!) pins in the ankle and foot (foot did a 90 degree turn). She was wheelchair bound for few months and was finally allowed to stand with the aid of a walker which helped a great deal. THEN (months later) to have her divorce go through and move in with me. Think she's ready to go back to the otherside of town, now that she's been over there for close to a month (ex has been ill). Had hoped that she was ready to move on with her life but, she's not ready. Emotional or mentally.

Summer finally ended with the college budget being our main concern. Getting called into HR for a mtg with boss woman, along with others from our department and not knowing from one day to the next, if we'd still have a job. In-fact; we're still at that point to this day.

With Fall came pain. What kind of pain? My back. At the beginning it was the nerve which led down my leg, therefore not allowing me to be mobile which SUCKED bigtime. After having Adam, Sharrie and Ray help me for 5 days, I had enough! Fingers did the walking in the phone book and after talking with Lindsay, I managed to go in and met with a Chiropractor. Mind you, my oldest brother had been going to one when he was diagnosed with Cancer so, it set me a bit on edge, having to go to one and be told that there was something seriously wrong.

L1-5 is majorly fuckered up. So much so, that L1-3 is disk on disk which there is nothing that can be done but to have the whole area fused. So; instead of having my back fused (and being off work for upto 11 months), I've chosen to do therapy instead which, has been working so far. And I know that there's only so much that he (the doctor) can do before I'm sent onto an Ortho Surgeon for MRI and injections.

So there you have it. Up todate. :) I go in for physical therapy twice a week (cut down from 3 times) and dealing with pressures at work (possible job elimination) since our dept is funded by state (DSPS).