Friday, April 27, 2007

Train horns vs Pricks

For months now of complaining to the City of Bakersfield, finally someone took their head out of their ass is going to form a "Committee" to evaluate the noise that trains create through the city. SHIT! Move over behind the courthouse and you'd see just how much noise the dam trains create! On an average of 24 hours, there is a total of 72 trains that go through the downtown area.

You read right!

72 trains PER DAY.

What's worse? ; train horn or the prick down the street, truck alarm going off?

Can we put 2 and 2 together and get 4?

If so, this is the image that I can see by taking care of 2 problems.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Thinking of Bernie

Yesterday I went and spent my lunch hour @ the Photo Lab up at work and processed a roll of film that Damon came across a few days ago. I've not developed any film, what so ever, in over 4 yrs since certain Administrators at the college, didn't have the balls or guts to really fight to keep the position that I held; open. Crazy; isn't it that it's been this long to have gotten back into the swing of things and process some film?

On the roll were of the kids that I taught that last summer that I was still in the Art Dept. It was nice to get my hands onto the chemicals and inhale the smell of rapid fixer. Nice part of it was that, I was able to use the lab down the hall; "Bernie's Lab". Some of the students who, stopped in the door way to peek in, asked who was the elderly man in the photo. I told them that he was the greatest (well; one of the greatest) music photographers / printer / race car builder that Bakersfield had. I explained to them that Bernie pretty much ruled the lab and he would have a COMPLETE fit, over the way the lab looks today. Real shame. But then, that's why their in great need of a Department Assistant.

So what did I do? I cleaned that dam room up. Scrubbed the sink free of dried fixer, wiped down the work area. Holy hell!!!!!! That place is falling apart; it's not funny. Dried chemicals everywhere, equipment all over the checkout room, out of order, leaking pipes, busted line in lab B. List goes on.

But would I go back there if offered a job in that dept again?

No. :o)


ps. I talked with Bernie's spirit while I was processing film. Enjoyed it very much.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Chocolate Blowjobs

Face it. We've all given blow-jobs to our boyfriends, husbands, lovers, Cardinal at the local church. Right? Next will be the "Chocolate Jesus" that an artist in New York has created and, was suppose to have on display in an gallery. But because of outcry from the Catholics, the show has been canceled. I don't know about you folks but, I'd wouldn't mind seeing this piece of work. Just think; 6 ft tall; HARD, SOLID, MILK CHOCOLATE. What's wrong with that? Pftttt. So the artist elected NOT to put a loincloth on Jesus. So what?!



I personally wouldn't mind biting his pecker off. :p