Monday, December 29, 2008

so many breads!

6 breads. I'm done til next yr!

next yr will be...

Dr. Pepper!!!!

This cat can PARRRRRRR-tea!

In my younger days, I was able to drink the neighborhood drunk under the table. Yep. I admit it (to those of you who don't know it) I had a drinking problem up til abt 14 yrs ago when I went on the wagon (well; had too since booze started giving me the runny shits). Now days, just one of these small chocolates with booze in it, has me running to the freaken bathroom where I'm worshiping Joan at both ends.
Christmas was quiet. Adam wasn't able to catch the bus in time for him to get here to the house and spend the Eve with me. Candles lit around the living room with carols going in the back ground. Was nice. Morning came which brought me down but, pep'd myself up by going online and playing WOW. Rain'd most of the day here. Even had some white stuff! (hail). Spent an hour with my mom in the evening (thanks to Sharrie) and managed to bring Adam back here. Wonder what next Christmas will be like?
New Years Eve will find us being party animals. If all works out, we'll be having a night of D&D. If not that then diffently Might for Magic. >:)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Card to ALL my friends and family.

Love to all.

Family bible and Christmas thoughts

On Jan 20th 2009, the Lincoln Bible will be used when Obama (a black brother) when he's sworn into office. Amazing on how a bible that was given to Abe by the black people of Maryland is going to be used by another black, as he's steps into power of the US.

I was recalling a Christmas when both of my older brothers were overseas; one in Nam and the other in Germany. Wanting both at home for the holiday and being clear across the world, it just wasn't feasible. Christmas Eve mom get's a phone call from Melvin (who was stationed in Germany and wasn't going to be home) but little did we know when the clock struck morning that a knock happened on the door. There stood Melvin in his glory; uniform and duffel bag on his back. I tell ya... I think that was one Christmas that I'll never will forget.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Which is better...

Bacon or...

sex with someone who blows his load after 3 minutes.

I choose BACON.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hopefully the Doctors won't think this is a game

Christmas Eve (Going under...)

Of all days, you'd think that Doctors would pick a far better date to be doing any surgery.



To someone VERY close to me.

At least there will be NO overnight stay (thank goodness).

I'll have to get all my visiting and dropping off gifts days before xmas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

White-trash parade (Oildale style)

Ok. SO this was my first parade experience here in Oildale and I must say, that I was very impressed and had a lot of LAUGHS!!!!!!! Never have I laughed so hard in my life (seriously).
From the Oildale maintenance crew in their work gear, welding plundgers, rakes, shovels you name it!, to goats, chickens, pigs, dogs, people both young and old.

It was great fun to see the smiling faces of parade goers. And candy! If the Santa who was being pulled should read my blog; you fat bastard! Next time you take a toss candy at people, do it underhand and not over! Some folks don't care for being nailed in the freaken ass head with candy.Ok. So I laughed at that one but pissed me off to no end that I even went and started after them. Amazon (bestfriend) laughed and pointed at Mrs. Claus... huh? OMG! The dress was on backwards!!!

So folks; go to the Christmas Parade in Oildale next year.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland in thongs

Up at Waynes place

Ok. So everyone wanted a white Christmas only, not this early!!!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Busy time of the year

Christmas will be different this year. Instead of spending it at home with the ex and his two boys as I had done for the last 6 years, this year will be finding me (with my male escort who's name I won't reveal... YET) over at my best-friends and her family.