Thursday, January 08, 2015

Finger flicking

Mom and I: Dec 1967

There's so much to post but I'll keep this short. My own sweet mother was admitted to the hospital on November 7th for kidney failure and then, tests came back showing she had suffered a stroke. Placed on life support for days, the evenings that I spent in ICU with her, work that I missed to make sure that she was given the best medical care. On November 11th the staff and doctor asked us to make the choice: leave her life support or take her home to live out her remaining time (she was comatose by then and not resposive). November 12th, we took mom off life support. 10 yrs prior, we had made the same decision with dad who passed away. Got mom home and she passed on November 13th. I haven't really had a chance to grieve her passing as, my main concern was my sisters wellness. Someone has to carry the weight: why not me?
My last visit with my doctor had me looking for a hole to crawl into. Take better of yourself! Stop stressing over others!
Learning to walk after my own stroke in 2013

Teaching myself on how to play the Irish Whistle.

I suck.

FB kitty cries when I practice (unlike he would do when I was practing my violin). At least the law hasn't been called out on me yet for the noise.  

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