It was kinda weird to attend a prom after, it's been 20 some-odd yrs since my very own high-school prom. Not that I went to any of them back in the 80's. Still it was enjoyable and yet, scary at the same time to, experience what it was like to attend high school function.
Well; not "REALLY" attend but, to double date (ok; KIDNAP) our date.
Both my best-friend and I felt really bad when we learn that John wouldn't be allowed to attend his high-school dance, due to the rules for a student who had completed his Senior yr 3 months early. That's good ole Anal Kern County High School District for ya!
8:30 am on Saturday morning, I had phoned John to tell him that I was in desperate need of help with moving some stuff out of my place and into my new house in the evening. HA! Threw the hook and he bit. Six was when I would go by and pick him up I told him. Also told him to be sure to wear a button down shirt (clipped a rose from a bush at my front door) since I was going to treat him to dinner for being a great guy and, who was willing to hop on that white charger horse of his and run to help. Plans in motion for the evening, I kept myself busy for the remainder of the day.

So Heather (that's my best-friend Sharries daughter) spent MOST of the entire day at the salon having a total make over. From head to toe and talk abt HOT! It's amazing what a beauty she's turned into over the years and, I do hope that she realise that she's a looker. (Dad's hot too in the pix) wrooooooo wroooooo!!!
So Heather is off to the prom and the kidnapping is set to motion. Sharrie and Ray picks me up but, not before I snagged a rose from a bush for John's lapel.

He had no fucking clue!!! LMAO

So we get to our first stop; Famous Daves. Oh yes! The joy of eating off of a garbage can lid... how Oildalian of us!

Sampling the different BBQ sauce's (I couldn't go any higher than the Devils Pit)

(some kind of fruity drink that had me running to the bathroom); but then, it doesn't help to drink 4 drinks within 30 minutes. lol GOOD waiter.


Next stop; movie. Here I thought that everyone would be stuffed from dinner so popcorn and soda will be out. NOT. Hell. Ggave me a chance to eat some and sit there, in the darken theater with my finger in my mouth trying to pick the crap out of my teeth.
And of course, the evening closed at midnite with a dance in the parking lot of the "Southern Bapist Chruch" lol. Thanks for thinking of that one Shar. LMAO!!!