For the past month, I've been having to kill at least 1 roach a day. We're not talking abt the little quarter inch bug that, runs off when a light is turned on. We're talking abt the inch long muthers and, when you walk up to it they stand up on their hindlegs and try their best to kickbox you in the ankle while hissing.
The other evening (Monday) I had been dead asleep when, I was awaken by something crawling on my hand. Brushed it off and it came back minutes later. And a third time. Final straw I grabbed hold of it and chucked it in the direction of my window blinds. "Thump!"
Great. Kiss my sleep good bye.
Alarm goes off at 5am and into the shower I go; Scrub the crawling feeling away... walking from the hallway and into the bedroom, I don't know what made me look down. Down at a crawling varmit. Grrrr
That does it.
Before leaving for the day, I popped the lids off of the foggers that my landlord left me. Think it'll do the trick?

Waiting for the bus, I see a cousin of the roaches from my apartment making his break to tell his family that I was in the process of murdering his family.
That does it.

Waiting for the bus, I see a cousin of the roaches from my apartment making his break to tell his family that I was in the process of murdering his family.
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