What's been going on?
Well; Winnie moved her stuff out and I'm pretty sure that Adam is heading in that direction as well. He knows that I want him to complete his education (he dropped out). You can stay here as long as your in school and doing well. But if you drop then; it's good bye. Your 18.

Health... my back is about the same; nothing has changed

Tried massage and found that was wonderful.... ahhhh. Costco had one of those contraptions for sale that, you set on your chair and it massages you. Ok so I broke down and got one for myself. Works pretty good. Saves money from going in and having someone beat on your back for 20 minutes. :) Ok. It's confirmed. I have Glaucoma and there's a few spots at the back of my retinas that indicate that I might have diabetes. I have a follow up appointment to start some more tests and begin treatments to see if we can prolong the loss-age of the eyesight. Suppose to schedule appointment with MD (will have to look for one) and get some blood work done. Diffidently takes over my mom who is a diabetic and has glaucoma, who also, lost her vision as well.

Our office is moving. Thanks to the state budget and the loss of our own budget in the department (thanks to KCCD), we'll be relocating to the main counseling office. That will be taking place here in the next few weeks. Packing and cleaning has already begun. Look forward to the new location where new adventures will unfold.
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