Back in August when my world came tumbling down, a friend reached out to me and offered me a place to stay until I got on my footing. Only I got abt freaked out when he had asked me about a porn dvd, that his 'maid' found in the fire place and ask if it belonged to me.
Errr I don't think so. Here I am, heart broken, feelings kicked to the side, rejected by my long time boyfriend who treated me like dirt by, screwing around behind my back with a 'so called friend'. Me??? Hide a porn in your living room? I don't think so. Not when I'm too busy, licking my wounds. So best friend steps in and offers me a couch only, to get a call from the landlord to tell me that the keys are ready to pick up.
*fast forward*
Month follows, I get an email from my 'safe house friend' who professes daydreams of having his wicked way with me. Licking my body from head to toe (including the toe jam) since he's got years of practice. I mean; he's really trying to sell himself here. I reply back with sorry; not interested and NOT attracted to you.
No word from him then, this past weekend and email arrives from him.
REJECTION. I can't believe that YOU of all people Cheryl, are rejecting me, blah blah blah.
What shocked me the most was to see him throw my friends name out in the message who, I had mentioned to him a few times in passing, warning me that he's way kinky etc and that if I can have fun with the friend (who I have known for YEARS and is a family friend) why not him?!? Am I not fat and ugly enough? You have my number (and so on).
It totally amazes me that a "FRIEND" who I thought knew me, truly doesn't know me at all.
To say that I would have sex with my long time friend then, turn around and screw him? NO THANKS.
I'm better off without friends like that.