Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fleas and Salt

Ever since we moved into this place, we've been fighting the problem with fleas. Sure, we've sprayed, vacuumed and cleaned the carpet throughout the house and yet, we still have FLEAS. Those little blood sucking bastards. How did we get them? The last renter had a cat that would shit and piss all over the place and yea; she had a cleaning lady that did the dusting, vacuum and mop the place. But did she clean up cat shit and piss? Apparently not. The couple that I use to babysit for and clean house on occasion, once told me of a remedy that they used to solve the problem with fleas.

And what was it?


So I've placed table salt all throughout the house (with the exception of the boys room) to give it a try. Let's test that theroy on salt killing fleas. You'd think that it'd work since salt is one of the leaders in dehydration.

The Worlds Fastest Indian

Speaking of salt; a co-worker loaned me this movie that I highly recommend to the person who is interested in SPEED and Motorbikes. The Worlds Fastest Indian, starting Sir Anthony Hopkins is a must see. Based on a true story of an elderly man (age 68) that had this life long dream of coming to America JUST to ride his bike; an 1920 Indian, that he modified. From start to finish, it had me on my seat with laughter and awe of seeing someone actually living out their dream. This just showed me that dreams can come true.


Can you guess where I plan on going in Sept of 2008? And it's not Las Vegas either.

Give up?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

salt along won't kill the fleas, you also need to mix borax.