Yesterday I went and spent my lunch hour @ the Photo Lab up at work and processed a roll of film that Damon came across a few days ago. I've not developed any film, what so ever, in over 4 yrs since certain Administrators at the college, didn't have the balls or guts to really fight to keep the position that I held; open. Crazy; isn't it that it's been this long to have gotten back into the swing of things and process some film?
On the roll were of the kids that I taught that last summer that I was still in the Art Dept. It was nice to get my hands onto the chemicals and inhale the smell of rapid fixer. Nice part of it was that, I was able to use the lab down the hall; "Bernie's Lab". Some of the students who, stopped in the door way to peek in, asked who was the elderly man in the photo. I told them that he was the greatest (well; one of the greatest) music photographers / printer / race car builder that Bakersfield had. I explained to them that Bernie pretty much ruled the lab and he would have a COMPLETE fit, over the way the lab looks today. Real shame. But then, that's why their in great need of a Department Assistant.
So what did I do? I cleaned that dam room up. Scrubbed the sink free of dried fixer, wiped down the work area. Holy hell!!!!!! That place is falling apart; it's not funny. Dried chemicals everywhere, equipment all over the checkout room, out of order, leaking pipes, busted line in lab B. List goes on.
But would I go back there if offered a job in that dept again?
No. :o)
ps. I talked with Bernie's spirit while I was processing film. Enjoyed it very much.
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