Not a lot has been going on here since I last blogged. I've settled in nicely in my new place and, have yet to ALL of my belongings from the old place. I've pretty much have written that off. Screw it. He can keep the dvd collection of mine and the bunny suit.
Entered stuff at the fair this year and didn't do too bad which, was pretty impressive. Normally when I'd enter stuff it was be photography. Only I didn't have any prints to enter having, lost the love of the medium and equipment (nevermind I still have my pin-hole camera and 35mm). Better yet, I still have the darkroom equipment at my mom's and, have the room here in the apartment.... hmmm
I've started working on a drawing on canvs to paint for the living room and I'd forgotten that it's a long process. Shesh!
Ok. Enough rumbling. Time to take the dinner out of the oven (HELLOOOOOO MEAT!)
love to all.
btw; I'm single!!!! YAY!!!!!