abt anything. I swear to fucking Christ. It never ends. From the trip to the dentist (which has been going well). I go back this Friday to finish up with filling 2 cavities that I managed to get in the last 22 yrs since my last regular visit. This dentist is pretty good; he talks through the procedure and makes sure that I'm OK while he's drilling away. I still think it's like running your fingers across a chalk board for a long period of time (what it fills like when he's drilling).
Gas prices are sky rocketing. OMFG!!!! No traveling for us. For sure. No way in HELL am I going to pay $5.00 plus or more; to travel in a car, should I rent one. Bull shit! Take the dam bus!!!! It's cheaper!!!
That's another thing (speaking of transportation). City hall officials has given the yahoo's until June 26th to submit a plain for the problem that we have (in the downtown area) with the train horns. So far, so good. Train horns will be left silent for a few more weeks then; it's blows again if those plains are submitted. One of the things that we could cut is; (well; make that 2) is the purple room ($800,000.) at the Rabobank Arena and, that new park that their wanting to build. IMO; we don't need another park! Not when The county is having a shortage of water and, should they build another park, they'll lay down grass and will need water for it to grow. Forget it!!! Keep the dirt field like it is. Send the kids to the park that is 1/2 mile down the road from your house. Better yet; let them take the Get bus to the mall and hang out there!
Ok. Enough venting. Time to go back to watching the gold fish swim around in the tank... nice little gold fish...