Both colleagues and fans delighted in his unique way of blending cheerful good humor and piercing critical acumen in reviews that made them instantly clear to anyone. You knew exactly what he thought — often with the bonus of a good laugh.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
We'll miss you Joel
Both colleagues and fans delighted in his unique way of blending cheerful good humor and piercing critical acumen in reviews that made them instantly clear to anyone. You knew exactly what he thought — often with the bonus of a good laugh.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Total silence.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
got power?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Got Stress? I DO!!!!!
Labor, district clash
Porterville: Local college could be affected by layoffs.
By Aaron Burgin
The Porterville Recorder
June 15
BAKERSFIELD — A labor dispute between the Kern Community College District and employees union representatives that has stewed since last year reached a fevered pitch this week.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Fathers Day!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tattoo! Tattoo!
Thus far, I've spend a lot of time, surfing the web and looking at tattoo artists work. There's one artist that I need to approach, that is in the family and see what he can come up with by using my ideas.
So Oceanside or Tattoo?
Which is it?
Hell; I'll do both. :o)
Friday, June 15, 2007
LAYOFFS at work
OK. So at a blink of an eye, you have a job and then you don't. Well; I have a job still but, others that work with me at the college district will find them self's without one on July 1st which, is when the change takes effect. Sure we had some pretty hairy-ass budget cuts 4 yrs ago when my job at the Art Dept was placed on the wood stump and axed. But I did get lucky and get myself bumped into another position on campus. I'm hoping that the same thing doesn't happen this time around.
CSEA Union to hold informational rally discussing BC layoffs
Last Update: Jun 14, 2007 7:50 PM
Posted By: brynn galindo
BAKERSFIELD - The California School Employees Association Union will be holding an informational rally at the Kern Community College District Thursday to dispute the layoff of 17 school employees at Bakersfield College.
CSEA said the Kern Community College District’s decision to layoff these employees violates a contract.
Both sides of the issue were represented Thursday by Labor Relations Representative for Bakersfield College Michael Lynn and Vice Chancellor of Human Resources from Kern Community College District Victor Collins.
Click the video link to view the discussion.
and more.....
CSEA Union holds rally to protest union member layoffs
Last Update: Jun 14, 2007 7:50 PM
Posted By: brynn galindo
BAKERSFIELD - A rally was held Thursday by members of the California School Employees Association in downtown Bakersfield.
Seventeen classified employees of the CSEA Union were laid off after a reorganization within the Kern Community College District.
The Union alleges the district violated collective bargaining statutes by firing the employees who performed non-instructional duties.
A hearing was held at the KCCD Board meeting late Thursday afternoon. The Union hoped to address the employees’ concerns.
I didn't take part in the protest having a new-temp office supervisor.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Grandparents and cousins

I've got both. Coming out of the woodwork. Well; cousins that is. I've been spending the last 72 hours working on a co-workers family tree, with tracking down just, where the Native American comes in at and, I've hit a gold mine. What kind of gold mine?
We're distant cousins!!!
I couldn't believe it myself. I mean, here I've researched that side of the family tree (MULLIN) for ages and only traced it back to where I have the names and info of my 4th great-grandparents and, actual documentation showing that he never did follow through with signing up for on the Dawes list (Cherokee Nation). He had fell and broke his leg and was unable to travel (it was back before we had cars and you relyed on horse and buggy). Face it; would you had want to travel for MILES in the back of a wagon, just so that you can register yourself as a Native American back then? I doubt that he wanted to do just that. Anyway; long story short, his Aunt was my co-worker's grandmother. Ruth STARR-BEAN. Pretty dam cool I say.
Then there's the other bingo; locating the WWII

Monday, June 04, 2007
Visiting Ronnie's love-nest

Oceanside also gave us a short stop to visit with playwriter, director, former actor, pornstar, and dolphin trainer; Ronnie Larsen, who was at one time a former love monkey of mine but, I doubt that he'd recognize that fact. Think he much rather do threesomes now days on the beach. Holy shit! Speaking of beach! Ronnie has got the most wonderful spread down there. Not only is his front door just 20 feet away from the dam beach but, he's in a GREAT spot to watch surfers change!!!

I think that instead of spending the money on my tattoo for my 4(cough cough cough)0th birthday that, I'll use the money and go to his place via Amtrak and spy on the surfers with field glasses as they change and drink diet coke.
Sound like a plan Ronnie?
With the "Grooms" over Memorial Day weekend

Damon and I traveled down to Carlsbad/Oceanside to attend his step-brother: Eric's commitment/wedding with his partner Tim. Both were lovely??? Can't say lovely. HOT. We're talking SMOKING HOT in their white suits and pastel shirts. Too bad their gay cause, honey, I'd gone for both of them in a heart beat. :o) All in all, it was a great ceremony. They walked out to the song; "Somewhere over a rainbow", preformed by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (see!? Eric was looking at me when he passed by).

I REALLY wish them a forever lasting life of love and happiness.