Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy New Year
Another New Years Eve without Damon. Last yr he spent NY with a bunch of HighSchool friends while I sat at home and slauk. NOT. Went and watched a hocky game. HOWEVER, it would have been nice to have brought the NY in with him. This yr he'll be at work, while I'm here at the house with a good friend from work. She's making me (would have been us with Damon) dinner, then play PS2 but, you get what you can. :-)
Happy New Year all.
Taking my breaks at WORK! Hell yea!!!!
Love and peace to all.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
We are not alone
I have no feelings for our government. Specially the local shit. DA? Pfttt blow me. Fathers who have tried their best to get a job but, have no luck on getting one, are getting screwed by ole Ed. They get their licenses yanked. Can't get a job, cause they can't drive to work. Can't pay their support cause there's no licenses. Security job? Think again. The state gives you a temp, until you fill out a paper, walk it (cause you can't drive because you don't have a licences) to the DA's office, give head or PLEAD your case so some bitch of a caseworker who says either; ok or NOT ok. You're screwed no matter what. Isn't there someone out there, that has the BALLS to run against Ed Jagles? This son of a bitch has been in office too long and needs to retire.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
the "OTHER" man in my life
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Snot war is on!
I'm just now getting over a major bug; FLU.
Came with the snotty nose, giving blow jobs to the box of tissues (Damon is now totally jealous), coughing fits, spitting up green boogies etc. The list is endless.
I'm glad it's over with. I can go back to work on Monday and not have a coughing fit when answering the phone.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
got Tums?
Why do we gorge ourselfs with turkey meal, and later regret pigging out? Why does turkey make one sleepy?
*rubs belly*
All that is left to do on this cold nite is to slip on something comfy and drive the man wild in bed.
with cold feet against his calf legs. :p
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Wild Dreams

hmmm vampire bat bite mark
This time I had dreamt of being nailed up on a tree. Kinda like a Jesus on the cruifix. Being nailed to a tree? Now I can see (and wouldn't mind in the least!) being nailed AGAINST one ;) but, nailed to one? I dont think so... here's a shot of my hand.

Monday, November 13, 2006
We all have a twin out there...
My nephew Paul served 3 tours in Iraq. From the start of it til we sent word to him abt his fathers death. Talk abt someone being ANAL. That's our US Government for you.
One of my friends from highschool sent me a link to a website and, I got to looking around on it and saw a photo of a solider standing with Iraqian kids... I swear this is my nephew!!! I'll have to show him the photo when I see him in Dec.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Vote for the whip!
OMG! One of my co-workers brought be back a sandwich that was made from the grease pit here at work. 5.95 for a freaking turkey sandwich!!!
Bend over and take THAT up the ass! Talk abt raping your fellow employee, by hiking up the price of a lunch which consisted of 2 slices of bread, 2 ouces of turkey, few sprinkles of lettece, 4 pickles and..
HELP!!!! RAPE!!!!!
No wonder I've stopped buying food on campus and resorted to bringing my lunch from home and own drinks. At least I can't screw myself over on my own prices.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Iraqi tribunal sentences Saddam to hang
God bless America! Via! Via to the people! It's about time the freaking Iraqi's stand up, and say "Fuck you" to ole Saddam. Hang is his ass in public behind a glass case. Put it on T.V. Sell tickets to attend his public execution and later, hold a ball and sell MORE tickets. Give the proceeds back to the US government since, we're the ones who have spent the most tax dollars on trying to assist that 3rd world country, who suffered under the direction of a modern age Hitler.
And while your passing the buck to our Government, they (our goverment) should in turn, pass a few bucks to those who served in the military who got fucked up by chemicals and now suffer from some mental disorder or another.
Via! Via! Via!!!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Death awaits us

I love October... normally that is. I love the fall changes with the leaves dieing and dropping to the ground. Brisk and cold in the early morning hours when you get up to go pee and hightail it back to bed, just to tug and pull HARD on the blanket that Damon manages to hog. Deer season; can't forget that. Halloween, pumkins carvings, seeds; everything! abt October I love.
Only thing I'm not too fond of is that with a short 2 week span, I celebrate the passing of 2 family members. That of my older brother (Peewee) on Oct 28th, and my father on Veterns Day.
My phone rang yesturday. Oldest niece Winnie phoned to tell me that we have had yet, another death in the family. One of my cousins oldest step-sons who, is one of 5 kids in his family who is DDL.
Friday, October 27, 2006

I’ve often wondered what the hell cats are thinking when your taking shots of them.
I mean; what goes through their head? Are they thinking about that next kill when they snag the bird from the sky in one fall swoop? Or if they’ll be road kill after playing dodge car while crossing the street?
Must be nice to be a cat and think cat thoughts….
Saturday, October 21, 2006

I got tired of posting my blog over on that, I'd figured that I'd go ahead and start my blogging on a site of my own. Years ago, I had started up a daily diary of sorts but, had to remove it due to a family member pitching a fit cause I stated the truth on how I felt abt stuff. Do I care? In a sense I do, but I've laid my bed and I'll stick with it. I miss my family "sometimes" but not all the time.
I came across this image on the net that reminded me of my family...
Riddle me this recorded a song few yrs back and created a viedo for it. I'm a Cow